

  • Visit the UUtheVote table during Sunday coffee hour: Stop to write/pick up cards, check on resources, chat about doing something.

  • Join card-writing group Wednesday, 2-3pm, in Fellowship Hall, September 4 to October 30. Write with us or pick up packets to write at home.


We are up and running as part of the nationwide nonpartisan effort by the UUA to get congregations involved in elections and civic action. Our aim is to connect you to ongoing activities already in place, including voter registration drives and GOTV (get out the vote) efforts involving letter/card writing, phone banking, and door-to-door canvassing. Some efforts are local, while others target swing states. Individual actions can make a difference, but we also encourage you to find (or create!) a group that will work together and support one another.

We consider it nonpartisan to encourage folks to take part in partisan efforts on their own, such as events run by political parties or candidates.


UU the Vote (uuthevote.org)

A wealth of information and actions.

Do Something” handout

e.g., help register students, work the polls, volunteer to take people to register and vote.

Write a postcard or letter

Write a postcard or letter to acquaintance or non-voting friend.

Vote Forward (voteforward.org)

Write letters to individual voters from underrepresented groups in swing states.

Poll Workers Needed

Sign up to do your part to ensure fairness by becomming a poll worker.

Freqently Asked Questions

FAQ’s on registration and voting.

Addtional Helpful Links

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