Working together as a system for Win/Win
Management based on cooperation not competition
Organizations have a high degree of interdependence
It is not the sum of individual efforts but coordinated activities matter most
Change negative and zero interactions into to positive interactions
Shared Vision increases daily level of cohesiveness among people and aligns actions
Is the systems goal outward focus (transform society) or is it inward focused (member satisfaction with services)
## Inhibitors
Assumptions underlying management methods do not match organizational current realities:
- Organizations are hierarchical and not systemic
- Pursing local or parts optimization versus global or system optimization
- Focusing on cost reductions versus performance increases
- Feeling we do not have control over the situation
- Knowing we can do more but not knowing how
- Having managers who are not proactive enough
- Experiencing symptoms that internal procedures and work methods need re-examining
## Remedies
## Ten Steps
1. Establish the goal of the system, the units of measurement and the operating measurements
2. Understanding the system
3. Making the system stable
4. Identify the constraint and carry out the Five Focusing Steps
5. Implementing buffer management
6. Reduce the variability of the constraint and the main processes
7. Creating a suitable management structure
8. Eliminate the external constraint: selling the excess capacity
9. Bringing the constraint inside the organization when possible
10. Set up continuous learning program
Management based on cooperation not competition
Organizations have a high degree of interdependence
It is not the sum of individual efforts but coordinated activities matter most Change negative and zero interactions into to positive interactions
Shared Vision increases daily level of cohesiveness among people and aligns actions
Is the systems goal outward focus (transform society) or is it inward focused (member satisfaction with services)
Assumptions underlying management methods do not match organizational current realities:
Set up continuous learning programNew Paragraph